電子書籍一覧 (Springer: Springer eBook Collection)

分野 タイトル 出版社 ISBN
41 数学 A History of Algebraic and Differential Topology, 1900 - 1960 (Modern Birkhäuser Classics) Springer 978-0-8176-4906-7
41 数学 A History of Parametric Statistical Inference from Bernoulli to Fisher, 1713-1935 (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences) Springer 978-0-387-46408-4
41 数学 A History of the Central Limit Theorem (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences) Springer 978-0-387-87856-0
007 情報学・情報科学 A Hybrid Deliberative Layer for Robotic Agents (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6798) Springer 978-3-642-22579-6
41 数学 A Logical Introduction to Proof Springer 978-1-4614-3630-0
41 数学 A Lost Mathematician, Takeo Nakasawa Springer 978-3-7643-8572-9
41 数学 A Mathematical Introduction to Compressive Sensing (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis) Springer 978-0-8176-4947-0
41 数学 A Minicourse on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1962) Springer 978-3-540-85993-2
41 数学 A Missing Link in Cybernetics (IFSR International Series on Systems Science and Engineering, 26) Springer 978-0-387-75163-4
41 数学 A Modern Approach to Functional Integration (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis) Springer 978-0-8176-4790-2
41 数学 A Modern Approach to Regression with R (Springer Text in Statistics) Springer 978-0-387-09607-0
41 数学 A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics (Springer Texts in Statistics) Springer 978-1-85233-896-1
41 数学 A Modern Perspective on Type Theory (Applied Logic Series, 29) Springer 978-1-4020-2334-7
41 数学 A Modern Theory of Factorial Designs (Springer Series in Statistics) Springer 978-0-387-31991-9
41 数学 A Multiple-Testing Approach to the Multivariate Behrens-Fisher Problem (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Springer 978-1-4614-6442-6
41 数学 A Natural Introduction to Probability Theory Springer 978-3-7643-8723-5
41 数学 A New Approach to Differential Geometry using Clifford's Geometric Algebra Springer 978-0-8176-8282-8
41 数学 A Nonlinear Transfer Technique for Renorming (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1951) Springer 978-3-540-85030-4
41 数学 A Panorama of Discrepancy Theory (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2107) Springer 978-3-319-04695-2
41 数学 A Panorama of Hungarian Mathematics in the Twentieth Century I (Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 14) Springer 978-3-540-28945-6